Don't Miss This Free Online Workshop!

The 3 Secrets To Overcoming Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In this free online event I will share with you three proven elements that you can apply immediately in the journey to healing your gut, with effective steps you can take to begin living in your body with a sense of confidence and ease.

APRIL 22, 12:00 p.m. CST

APRIL 22, 7:00 p.m. CST

In this class, you will learn:


How it is possible for you to break free from digestive upsets and discomfort for good!

Even if you have lived with IBS for years, I will show you that you can take back control of your digestive health and wellness.


How your symptoms are the key to your solutions.

Join me to learn what common stomach ailments like diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating can signal for the answers to healing your gut.


How to rethink your associations around IBS and food.

You may feel like specific foods are triggers to dysfunctional digestive issues. Let me show you how, by healing your gut, you can let go of the concerns related to anticipated discomfort and enjoy a wide variety of food choices. 

A life of confidence and good health, free from the burden of IBS, is within your reach.

Whether you've been diagnosed with IBS and resorted to taking medications that only mask your symptoms or have simply had enough of your quality of life being impacted by chronic digestive discomfort and the anxiety associated with unpredictable gut function - the road to recovery and healing can start right now!

Join me to learn the 3 secrets to overcoming IBS for good!

Are you sick of suffering with IBS?

  • Do you long to enjoy social and work occasions unencumbered by that persistent worry that your stomach is going to act up?
  • Do you dream about taking trips and holidays where you actually get to savor all the sights and experiences, instead of wasting away your precious time in the bathroom?
  • Wonder what it would be like to go out with friends for a meal, free from anxiety about how your gut will react?
  • Can you imagine the sense of liberation of living your life not always having to scan your environment for the closest bathroom?
  • How would your life change with a regular and reliable bathroom routine, no longer wiling away the hours, waiting for your stomach to work?

A Personal Invitation From Lynda...

I spent years suffering from IBS. 

I knew there was a better solution than what I was being offered. 

I have spent the last 20 years studying nutrition and gut health and using all that I have learned in my own personal journey to wellbeing to help individuals heal their guts so that they too can be free from the distress and suffering that IBS causes and I would love to share these discoveries with you.   

If you're committed to making this the year that sets you on the path to achieving optimum digestive health and all the associated benefits and wellbeing, I can't wait to help you find the solution.

Choose the best time that works for you to join me in my upcoming Live Online Workshop to learn more.


Reserve My Spot - April 22, 12:00 p.m. CST
Reserve My Spot - April 22, 7:00 p.m. CST