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You don't have to settle any longer.  You can ...

Maintain a weight where you feel confident

Eliminate brain fog

Gain energy

Normalize digestion

With education and support you can feel amazing.

Meet Lynda


Hi, I'm Lynda, a functional nutritionist and health and well-being coach.


I learned first-hand the impact that the standard American diet and lifestyle has on your health ... digestive upset, weight gain, low energy, and brain fog.


At first, I ignored the symptoms, then I tried to cover them up. But until I changed my diet and lifestyle I didn't see results.


When I started to see the huge benefits my new choices were having on my health, I knew I wanted to learn more and help others to get the same results.


And I am so grateful I have been able to spend more than 20 years helping individuals to use food as medicine and create a balanced lifestyle so you can live your life to the fullest. 

My training:

Master's of Science in Nutrition from the University of Minnesota

Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist

Health and Well-Being Coach certification from Wellcoaches

Training in Integrative and Functional Nutrition Therapy from IFNA

Certification in LEAP Therapy for food sensitivities

Read what clients are saying

With over 20 years' experience I've helped hundreds of women to experience

the health benefits of an eating plan and lifestyle that is right for you.


Anna R.

I had begun taking care of myself - waking up consistently, working out, and eating better. However, I still found myself to be regularly bloated, and figured professional diet help was my next step in wellness. After working together I began to experience consistent bowel movements, little to no bloating, and overall felt better. I didn't fully notice until I looked at my past symptoms and realized I also had no period cramps and my constant runny nose had stopped. I have learned how to listen to my body!

Monica C.

I started working with Lynda with hope but skepticism having done the Whole 30 previously with mixed results. Lynda's help was exactly what I needed and helped beyond what I was expecting. I sought help because of GI issues, migraines, and arthritis. All of them have improved. I felt the help from Lynda and the accountability from our meetings made it possible for me to stick with the program so much better than if I had gotten all the information and tried it on my own. She helped me figure out how to manage company work parties, potlucks, packing food for a road trip, etc. It was definitely worth the investment of time and money!!

Kristin B.

Working with Lynda gave me the resolve to make dietary changes I'd been avoiding before. I knew certain foods were disrupting my digestion and health, but finding which ones felt like playing Whack-a-Mole. Lynda's calm approach helped to sort the facts from fears as well as make sense of the gobs of information on the internet. Lynda helped me focus on what worked and didn't for me. She was invested in helping calm my symptoms and figure out how to avoid triggers yet also eat a varied, nutritious, and enjoyable diet.

Meg C.

"Working with Lynda has transformed me. My pantry, my attitude and eating habits, my body and my overall relationship with food are changed.

I sleep, I wake up refreshed, I don't have food comas or experience cravings, I don't have heart burn or GI issues. I exercise and I eat well and it feels like taking care of myself in the healthiest way possible.

Lynda, I really can't thank you enough!."

Katie Q.

I started working with Lynda post-Covid when my bad food and drinking habits were at their worst. We started with easy steps to move forward and break the bad cycles I was in.

She also helped me understand why my food and drinking habits were contributing to my exhausted and lack of motivation. She helped me understand through science and facts, and then gave the human empathy piece with how to move forward.

I was always given lots of information on how to curb bad habits, and small steps to move forward, while still challenging my comfort level. I’ve learned so much from our meetings and so much awareness of what contributed to my bad habits.

It’s amazing how simple awareness can lead to great things. I wouldn’t be on the path I’m on today without my meetings with Lynda!


In a world where convenience is key, fast and cheap is preferred,

a packed schedule is common ...

a plan that works in your life will create long-term results.

Imagine if you went from...

  • feeling groggy all day after hours of missed sleep

  • trying too many outfits on to find one that you can button comfortably

  • hot flashes leaving you and the sheets soaked at night

To ...

  • making choices so you can achieve YOUR best health

  • losing weight (and the belly weight) during menopause

  • eating well to eliminate brain fog, fatigue, and constipation

  • understanding what it takes to make menopause your best years yet. 

Check Out These Free Resources


Hormones and Menopause

What's your joyful menopause plan?

Take the quiz to find out which hormones are wreaking havoc and get solutions to feel like yourself again.


Take The Quiz

4 natural ways to reduce menopause symptoms

Does this sound like you?

  • Recently gained weight around the middle even though your eating and exercise hasn't changed
  • Struggle with lack of concentration and brain fog so that tasks that used to seem easy now can feel overwhelming
  • Toss and turn half the night trying to get to sleep
  • Hot flashes leave you standing in front of the fan trying to cool off?
Get The Guide

3 secrets to creating a joyful menopause masterclass 

You will learn 

  • How to make choices to achieve YOUR best health. You are unique and may have totally different needs than your friends, kids or your partner.

  • How to lose weight during the years of menopause. Restriction isn't the answer!

  • How to eat well to eliminate brain fog, fatigue, and constipation. Eating "healthy" is the old way of thinking.

Listen To The Masterclass


Stop inflammation

Understand what is inflammation and steps you can take to lose weight, eliminate frustrating symptoms, and have great long-term health.


Get The Guide

Anti-inflammatory eating cookbook

Eating to reduce inflammation so you can eliminate aches & pains, digestive upset, autoimmune disease and improve your health. 4 weeks of meal plans, recipes and shopping lists.


Get The Guide

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Get individualized guidance for your unique stage in your wellness journey.


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